September Brings Our Parishes Together To Be Refreshed

September Brings Our Parishes Together To Be Refreshed


I always enjoy parish life in the month of September. It is the start of new experiences and opportunities after the summer rest. A new beginning of explorations into what our faith is about and introducing people to the different ways they can become involved in the life of the parish. There will be the traditional ministries such as reading, administering Holy Communion both in the church and to those who are house bound, welcoming, music ministries, formation through Alpha, Bible Studies and Sacramental preparation, building communities through Lost Chord and the monthly Community gatherings on a Monday evening and of course there are the flowers that need arranging. There are also the ministries we are becoming more aware of, the call by Pope Francis to reflect on how we relate to the environment and the gift of creation and new ventures like Forest Church. There are also those ministries and acts of service that we as a parish have not yet realised but perhaps you are noticing and wondering what to do. September is alive with potential. On Monday 30th September there will be a joint parish meeting for the Immaculate Conception and St Gerard’s. It will be held at the Immaculate Conception at 6-30pm. So please, do make a note in your calendar and come along.